What Is Your Skin Telling You?

Being on the business side of the spa industry previous to becoming a skin therapist, I had a pretty good idea that my education would not be over after esthetics school. I had the amazing opportunity to work with Marywynn Ryan while I was attending and after school (which was like an advanced course on steroids) but even still quickly realized unless we could trade brains or become attached at the hip, I needed to spend a majority of my free time learning more. I signed up for a college course on nutrition and then added a side course in holistic healing. Skin health is so often a mirror of what is going on internally and facials and products can 100% help calm and repair the barrier (or exacerbate the issue if it’s not the right fit) but if you don’t get to the root of the problem it can be like a band-aid. Placing the product on the breakout or flare up once it has already occurred instead of stopping it from happening in the first place. There are so many conditions that cause major skin problems like hyper/hypothyroidism, PCOS, immune disorders, unbalanced gut, hormonal imbalance, to name a few. You can eat “clean” and still have these issues. There are specific foods to treat and to avoid that may typically seem like healthy choices. It requires a two step approach, a knowledge of internal and external modalities to heal the skin. Of course, we all know those anomalies that go against all standard health practices and still have glowing skin, that’s why I say ALMOST always. I adore social media influencers but everyone’s routine is personal to their skin, there is no “one-size-fits-all” with products. So something you see that worked great for your friend or that girl with perfect skin online most likely wouldn’t be the exact same on your skin. Trust me, I wish that were true! Everyone’s skin is unique because there is SO much more going on than just what you see on the surface.


The Squeaky Clean Myth